was founded in 2009 as an art blog. From that year till 2017 over a thousand posts were made. We featured contemporary art, photography, design and street art from over 500 artists from around the world, that until then was hardly being shared on any Dutch website. Parts of the old blog can still be found at the Internet Archive and the National Library of The Netherlands.
As of 2018 exists mostly on social media. Art from the streets is being shared daily on Instagram. Photos have been shared from over 60 cities in 10 countries.
Also check out:
/banksy Quick reference guide used by collectors for British artist Banksy
/invader Quick reference guide used by collectors for French artist Invader
/noparking Series of photographs exploring people’s creativity (or lack thereof) when blocking a parking spot
/bmdb Big Mural Database (BMDb v0.6)
– Jeroen (founder) / @artsynl
“All art is quite useless.” – Oscar Wilde